Victoria 2 danubian federation
Victoria 2 danubian federation

victoria 2 danubian federation

We all know that once mastered any economic system (in a game) can be easily min-maxed and exploited to build ridiculous advantages over adversaries. The player receives input about their state/empire/faction and acts accordingly.

victoria 2 danubian federation

It is a stretch of course but most strategy games are, at their core, simulations of centrally planned economies. When I look at the economy of China, whose exact workings are not all too familiar to me I must add, it occurs to me just how realistic the idea became. However with the advent of technology it looks less ridiculous and way more doable. In the past this system proved incredibly awkward and flawed for too many reasons to listen. The concept of a centrally planned economy should be familiar to many of you and immediately associated with communism as one of its tenets. This is NOT a thread about political beliefs but about the economic systems of strategy games and migrating their concepts to the real world. I know I risk opening Pandora's box by making this thread but there is nobody other than /vst/ than can give me feedback on this.

Victoria 2 danubian federation